Carpe diem

So, for some time I have felt the Lord pushing my toward writing.  I am not sure what being a "blogger" entails, but thus begins my journey...

You know the cliche, "there is no better time than now?"  Well, for me there really is no better time than now!  For the past decade, since graduating college, I have been in Texas.  The vast majority of that time I had been way too busy!  Today, I sit in Madison, Wisconsin, unemployed and homeless, but probably as happy, if not happier, than ever!  I have an incredible fiancee I get to see pretty much every day with, and with this move north I get to decide what my life is going to look like!  We often hope we could re-write where we are headed, but rarely do we get the privilege of a blank slate.  Other than my Lord, Jesus Christ and my fantastic fiancee Jennifer, I really do have a blank slate.

So here I am...

When you start a blog, are you supposed to introduce yourself to the world?

It's almost like a first date.

So, do you put your best foot forward, or do you just be real?

Those that know me know I can be pretty blunt and honest.  Maybe that is the best way to approach this.  Maybe.  We'll have to see.


I grew up a conservative, southern, small town boy.  I was always in church.  Accepted Christ as a youngster.  Made bad friends through elementary school, but was always still a "good kid."  I know I had a budding relationship with Christ, but it never really became personal until I graduated high school and went to Atlanta to work at the Olympics in '96.  The "life changing" moment happened early that summer - my faith had become my own.

I loved being a part of Campus Crusade for Christ through college.  That's really where my gifts were developed, my confidence was boosted, and I was given opportunity to grow in my walk with the Lord.  Since college, I have continued to challenge myself and take larger and larger risks.

It may sound cheesy, but starting this blog feels like a big risk!

Am I ready to share myself with the world?

I hope so.

So, here I am.  Possibly slightly liberal for East Texas, but now probably one of the most conservative in my new home town.  I was a legalist.  I got over that.  I chose to be "high grace."  I realized there must be truth in grace.  So I'm working on that.


I'm not completely sure how I am packaging this gig.

I am a photographer.  I am trying to revive the part of me that is an artist.  And I am attempting to be a writer.  I have done limited curriculum writing and led several small groups.

If you have any opinions on what you'd like to hear or see from me, please leave me a comment.


  1. Excited to read this post and those to come Josh. It's amazing how you can know someone their entire life and really know so little about who they are. I look forward to getting to know you.

  2. Cool Josh! A risk worth taking.

  3. Today you wrote a blog post. Now the trick is to do it again tomorrow.


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