To the Boy Scouts of America:

This is not my typical nature to engage in social matters that may be polarizing or perceived as combative, but as a follower of Jesus Christ in a world that is quickly devolving into a quagmire of social, ethical and moral relativism I must speak up. As an Eagle Scout, I am very saddened and somewhat disgusted by the very inclusive new policy toward gender identity.

Our oath reads, “On my honor I will do my best to do MY DUTY TO GOD and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and MORALLY STRAIGHT.” I understand clearly that throughout the history of the BSA, there have been struggles in the organization in regard to social circumstances of the day (i.e. labor unions, war, and race). As a Christian in scouting in the 1980s and early 90s, the scout troop felt like a very safe and moral place to grow up. In my instance, and I think many across America, we were aligned closely with the church that hosted and sponsored us. The oath and law of the Boy Scouts felt closely aligned to the laws and teaching of the holy Bible. In fact, I believe it was James E. West, our first Chief Scout Executive that said, “Boy Scouts of America believes that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God.” These words were spoken in a time when America was still very much Christian.

Some of the historic stances chosen by the BSA grew the organization in a way that aligned with the tenants of God’s Word. But, last year you opened the doors to openly homosexual scouts and leaders and now you do the same for transgender persons. You have jumped the line of “straightness” in morality and are boldly accepting moral relativism in an attempt to stay culturally relevant.

I wholly disagree with the decisions the BSA is making and in my duty to God I stand against these new policies. As an Eagle Scout and a person that once loved the Boy Scouts of America, I will never encourage anyone I know to be a part of or support the organization, and sadly if I do ever have a son, we will not be a part of scouting. It was a tradition I had hoped to pass on to my children.

To anyone that may be reading this and am unaware about that which I am addressing,you can read and watch here: 
If you have a response you would like to share with the BSA, please email


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