Time, Jesus & Questions

Spring has finally sprung in Madison, Wisconsin and I couldn't be happier about that.  Unfortunately for me, my professional life has yet to take root in this state.  I have more resumes than I could keep up with in businesses around the area, but I have still had minimal followthrough on the receiving end.  The most exhausting part is that I more often than not never hear anything either way about the positions being filled.

I long for the day that someone calls me in for an interview and a job offer!

It's hard to believe I have been in Madison for nearly two months now!  As I look at the calendar in my phone, it is also hard to believe that mine and Jennifer's wedding is 3 short months away!!!

SIDENOTE:  Check out our website on The Knot!  


... I am not sure what I intend to write today.  I am glad I have found a quiet moment to write.

A week or two ago, I read Imaginary Jesus, by Matt Mikalatos.  Check it out on Amazon.com by clicking on the link to the left.

I have never read a book quite like it.  At times it's just plain funny.  At other times sad.  And in so many ways, very clever.

Imagine a book starting with the author and Jesus hanging out together in a coffee shop only to be interrupted by Peter, who comes in and punches Jesus in the face.  The story takes off from there.  As the title suggests, through the course of the story you are introduced to many "Imaginary Jesuses" -- as you read, some are just plain ridiculous, but others feel very comfortable and familiar.

The goal:  Who do you really think Jesus is?  What is important to your Jesus?  And do you really know who he is?

I walked away realizing that I, like most people if they are honest with themselves, have an incomplete view of who Jesus is.  I have grown up hearing about him.  I have read about him.  I have even talked with him.  But I do not understand him -- at least not completely.  And if I was honest, he might not be my best friend.

If I invested in my best friend to the degree that I invest in Jesus and knowing him, we'd have a pretty crappy relationship.  Why then do I treat Jesus differently?  Is it just because I know he will "never leave me or forsake me?"


Today I am full of questions.  I am not sure I have the answers.  All I know is I have a long way to go in knowing Jesus as friend.


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