When God is Silent - Part 2

Through the messages of Ephesians 2:8-10 and John 11 1-45, I know God has a purpose for me.  It is no surprise to my Lord that I am struggling through this time of unemployment.  He has good work for me.

So, what do I do in the meantime?

God is strategic.  Look at creation - the placement of seasons alone - and you get a clear understanding of how strategic he is.  Thankfully, I am strategic as well.  Nowhere near His level, but I do love systems, order, and a well laid out plan.  I must be strategic if I am going to succeed.  So, what does that look like?

Clearly, to find a job I must apply to them.  I must be organized.  And I must follow up.  That is the part I am not so great at.  I must pursue potential employers.

I must also pursue contentment and God’s peace.  God blesses us with peace.  I rest heavily on that truth.  If the Lord has called me to something, I trust that He will also give me the peace to pursue it.  Now I am not diminishing the role of healthy fear, but I trust that under any fears that might come from intimidation in a potential job there will be underlying peace.

I must also pursue Him.  God desires closeness with us.  It doesn’t make sense to me that the creator of the universe wants a relationship with me, but nonetheless I am thankful.  I need to spend time with Him.

Pursuit requires effort.  I am prone to laziness.  Even in unemployment, I can’t afford to dismiss Him.  I have all the time in the world, yet I can’t seem to find the time to pursue Him well.


This may be a post that is more for me than it is for you.  But I needed to write.  I think there is a writer in me, and he needs to come out.

Any thoughts, prayers and opinions on the matter would of course be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for caring to read my blog.  I have high hopes for it, but still unsure where I am going with it.


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